Sunday, March 27, 2011


We had an ultrasound last week, and our doctor called us the next day and said that the amniotic fluid level is on the high side of normal.  No "worries" yet, but any ounce of concern is freaking me out.


16 months this past week.

My thoughts of Olivia are so much closer to the surface now - tears come pretty quickly.  They don't stick around, but they come quickly.  It's like I'm expecting an ending, not a beginning with Tuppy.  And that's horrid.  But that's all I know.


Tentative plans are an induction on May 5.  I'll be 37w1d, 8 days past what I was when Olivia died.  I'm excited and terrified.

I'm afraid to buy stuff.  It's cheaper to buy diapers on Amazon if you set up regular delivery, but I'm afraid to assume we'll need them.


Twice a week non stress tests (NSTs) and once a week fluid checks start this week.  Here we go.  Again.

Can you fault me for not being optimistic?

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