Monday, July 5, 2010


My husband was here in Oregon this good.  It was just good to finally get to spend a few days with him.

And we met our friends' baby this weekend.  It was sad, and I cried, but I also laughed, and smiled, and played.  She doesn't look like Olivia, she isn't Olivia, but it was still bittersweet.  I'm so grateful to K. and G. for being so amazingly open and honest and forgiving in all of this.

Tears are still on the surface quite a bit, but we've had a good bit of help this week.  One of my friends here is from Portland, and mentioned to a nurse friend of his who works with bereaved parents, and she sent him a bunch of stuff.  Lo and behold, his friend is Pat Schwiebert, the author of Tear Soup and some other things, and runs a program and website.  She sent a VERY sweet note and some books, including Tear Soup.  I cried, but it was good.

I'm here until July 12, but am already looking forward to going home....!!!

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