Thursday, July 1, 2010

And now we're behind.

I wish I could explain all of the thoughts and feelings that rush through me when I find out a friend or student is pregnant.

I'm happy, sad, jealous, angry, wistful, and grieve all over again.  And that doesn't even begin to describe it.

One of my students is 12 weeks, and finally posted about it on Facebook.  I'm very happy for her and her husband - I know they'll be great parents - but my heart and soul just ache.

Is that ever going to stop?

I miss you, my sweet little girl.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if it ever stops. I still feel it too. I have a college friend expecting a baby any day now, and I have this compulsive need to know, and yet I want to never know, all at once. Remembering Olivia, and wishing she were there with you. Much love.
